Why the pope matters to us

This is pope week here on the east coast. And what does the pope have to do with us? I have often said that as the world’s most famous follower of Jesus, he sets the conversation about what Christians will talk about with the rest of the world.


And Pope Francis particularly shows a grace and humility that our world is eager to see. Someone who walks the talk. Who actually does the things that Jesus preaches about- feeding those in most need, welcoming those who don’t often find a place to belong, loving all people- from the least to the greatest, living a simple life, and finally- finding joy in this kind of life. Living like this seems to be a gift for him, not just something he has to do. This is what the world is responding to- the same things they found so irresistible in Jesus.


We may not agree with all his doctrine, but Pope Francis, in his public dealings, seems to lead with mercy. Leads with letting others know they are beloved of God, even if he doesn’t agree with their choices in life. And perhaps that is the first step in following Jesus well- seeing others as beloved of God- and as deeply beloved as we are- before any conversation or interaction. It’s far from the only step, but it’s a step that calls forth our need to take all the rest of the steps to bring justice and healing and hope to this beloved one.


The other thing that I have found so compelling about the pope is his call, as I heard one commentator this morning put it, to “resist the tyranny of the unchangeable.” To help us to have courage to change the way we’re walking. To have the hope that the way things are is not the way things must be. To have the trust in God that assures that a better future is ahead if we yield to its reality and live into that future now.


So watch what the Pope says and does in the these days. May he inspire us to want to follow Jesus well, to take risks to love, and to resist thinking that we cannot change the course of our lives and our country by living out the commands of Jesus today.


Day 1- Columbia State House and considering a black Jesus


Day 6- Mercy Church